“Blessing Jesus Child”, 18th century

Polychrome wooden sculpture representing the “Blessing Child Jesus” holding a globe surmounted by a gilded wooden cross, the right arm blessing, sulphide eyes, silver crown, pedestal with heads of angels in polychrome and gilded carved wood, canopy in polychrome carved wood .

This Christ is represented as a smiling child with a chubby body, standing in a pleasant attitude.
The sculpture depicts the dual nature of Christ: human and divine. Total nakedness refers to the human nature of the Son. The blessing gesture of the right hand and the globe he holds from the left, however, recall his divine nature as Saviour of the world (Salvator Mundi).

Images and statuettes of the Child Jesus in Salvator Mundi are frequent from the 1500s. They respond to new forms of devotion, more embodied and intimate. These representations are meditation and prayer supports in the private sphere. They are appreciated both in the laity and in convents, where devotional practices develop that favor reduced formats and manipulable objects. This Child, who could be manipulated, dressed or rocked, is part of these “modern” practices.


18th century

Total height: 95 cm

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